Papers may cover any aspect of aeronautics, transportation, or logistics. They should be innovative and reflect current and future trends in the field.
Papers should be written in English and formatted according to the guidelines for authors using the provided template. The authors whose first language is not English are requested to have their work proof-read by a native English speaker (or at least a fluent English speaker) prior to submission. Papers may be rejected due to a poor standard of English.
Since the ZIRP 2023 conference proceedings will be published in Transportation Research Procedia, authors are obligated to follow the instructions provided by Elsevier.
Please, read carefully and follow the instructions for authors provided at Elsevier and use only the ZIRP 2023 paper template. The length of the paper should be from 6 to 8 full pages, including the title, authors and affiliations, figures, and references.
Papers that do not follow the guidelines will not be considered for publication or presentation. Such authors will be contacted to update their papers according to Elsevier instructions to start the review process.
Authors whose papers are accepted for publication will sign a publishing agreement with Elsevier under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
Please reference the FAQ section for answers to the most common questions/concerns.
All submitted papers will be checked using plagiarism detection software to verify their originality and authenticity. Authors of papers with a high similarity index will be contacted to update their papers and reduce the similarity according to the generated report giving the respective authors a chance to correct their paper before starting the review process. Papers with a similarity index of more than 25% compared to already published papers cannot enter the review process and will be declined unless the authors improve the paper as requested by the Programme Committee.
Like many academic journals and conferences, ZIRP uses double-blind peer review for all published articles. Each article is evaluated by at least two reviewers in a procedure that keeps both the author and the reviewers anonymous, hence the term "double-blind". A third reviewer will be invited if the reviewers' evaluations differ significantly. To facilitate this, the authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity. Please ensure the following when submitting your paper to the ZIRP 2023 conference:
Submit the Full Manuscript containing the authors’ details and the Blinded Manuscript with no author details as two (2) separate files in PDF format.
Remove the names and the affiliations below the title within the manuscript and in the header to ensure the manuscript is adequately prepared for the double-blind peer review. Also, pay attention not to include the authors’ names in the file names.
Submitted papers not presented at the conference will not be included in Conference Proceedings nor indexed in the respective databases.
At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the conference to submit the final version and present the paper.
The full paper submission deadline is June 12th, 2023. Please upload your manuscript using the submission form.
The authors will be notified about the acceptance of their papers by July 31st, 2023.
The official language of the Conference: English.
Poster presentations: Poster sessions will be organized for the participants who prefer poster discussion.
Please reference the Call for papers for ZIRP 2023 publishing options. All papers recommended for publication in the selected scientific journals noted in the Call for papers should be formatted according to the requirements of the respective journal and will be subjected to the usual review process as any other paper submitted for publication in those journals. . The Programme Committee is not responsible for the final decision nor has any influence on the journals' review process.
Should you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us at:
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