Call for Papers

ZIRP 2023 will focus on "Resilient transport systems and logistics", but as always, you are welcome to explore other topics related to transport, logistics, and aeronautics.

All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings „Transportation Research Procedia“.

The authors whose papers are assessed by the Programme Committee as making a significant contribution to science will have the opportunity to augment the published conference paper and submit it for a potential publication with the usual review procedure in one of the following journals:

Note that the decision about the augmented paper publication depends solely on the editors of the corresponding journal according to the result of the usual journal review process. The journal Sustainability will offer a minimum 15% discount for publication of the augment paper in open access if it gets accepted.

Deadline for paper submission - June 12th, 2023

Notification of paper acceptance - July 31st, 2023

Check our key dates and plan your activities accordingly.

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